We Have A Very Fun Life

A Very Fun Life


Well we've completed our first new song in over a year.  "A Very Fun Life"  I've just uploaded it on the page today, so it should be available for a listen as I type this.

This song came about from a conversation we'd had with my Mom a couple years back.  She'd suggested that I try to write a "fun" song.  The strangest thing about that statement is that I honestly didn't know how to!  I remember DJ'ing at a Christmas party in the Hyatt a couple years ago and the host asked me to play a "fun" song and my mind went blank!  Fun - what does that sound like?  Do you know? 

I guess I'm a musical snob or something but the vast majority of music I enjoy is probably what most would consider "serious music."  I mean Sigur Ros became one of my favorite bands in the past decade and Mew ranks up there as well.  Neither of those acts could be considered fun.  In the past I've enjoyed the usual Rock and Roll fare: from the past masters of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Queen, etc.  I guess they've composed some fun songs, especially Queen who always had a decent sense of humour about their music, but really not many would consider them fun bands.  The 80's was an interesting decade of crazy fashion and dodgy hairdoo's but most of the acts that I'd been a fan of weren't really fun bands either. Funny to look at perhaps, but they took themselves quite seriously.  I mean Duran Duran might have been popstars, but they worked very hard at it and I'm sure never really considered their tunes to be light hearted.  Echo and Bunnymen, U2, Ultravox, these were some "please take us seriously" bands.  The 90's weren't much different, though at least I can think of a few goofy acts like Right Said Fred that might be called Fun, but I wouldn't suggest I was a fan. 

Which brings me back to my dilemma.  What does fun sound like?  I know what is fun to me, but how does one write a song that reflects that emotion? 

So saying all that, we have our new song, "A Very Fun Life".   And I think it may even be a fun song.  The lyrics came first, in fact almost a year before we put them to music.  I had the lines:

I have a very fun life
I have a very fine life
'cause I don't need to cheat
and I don't need to fight.
Simple enough, but actually incredibly truthful.  We do have a very fun life.  We get to write and perform music, and occasionally get paid enough to actually pay the rent from it!  Isabelle and I don't live a very flashy existence, but we have enough, and we have fantastic friends and family.  Ever week or so we get complimented on how we're looking youthful, or healthy or whatever.  I'd love to say it's entirely due to Music, but somehow I think it's really about not being obese and living where we do in the world.  Vancouver's a gorgeous place, the air is clean and the water is pretty good.  Music plays it's part to be sure, but there are several factors at work, not the least of which is good genes!

Anyway, the lyrics for the song are quite straight forward:

I have a very fun life, I have a very fine life
'cause I don't need to cheat and I don't need to lie

We have a very fun life, we have a very fine life
'cause I don't need to cheat and we don't need to fight

I have a very fun life, I have a very fine life
'cause I do what I want and it still turns out alright

We have a very fun life, we have a very fine life
though we're living without heat, makes me sleep better at night

of all life's little mysteries
there's one thing's become clear to me
if all the best in life is free
I can only just afford it!

We have a very fun life, we have a very fine life
'cause I don't need to cheat and we don't need to fight
We have a very fun life
We have a very fun life
We have a very fun life
We have a very fun life
The bridge came about after a critique from Vince (Monkey 68) who wanted the song to express a bit more depth.  (thanks again V).   
And that's it!  Pretty much every word is true and reflects how we're doing it.  Hope you enjoy it, please let us know what you think!

Be well,

Mark and Isabelle


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