Disagreements EP release

"Disagreements: tomorrow (hopefully)

Happy Monday to you!

Well if all is going according to plan, we should have our second release up on iTunes tomorrow, November 25th 08.  The Disagreements ep took quite a bit of work, and seemed as though it might never be finished: but we did put a stamp on the package and sent it in to our distributor last month in the hopes of it actually being processed in time for our release date. 

We decided to release the ep entirely online, no cd's, just downloads.  So far we've sold almost five times as many copies of The World Over from iTunes than on cd (I'll admit that this might possibly be due to not utilizing a physical distribution system other than our myspace and .com page - but I've had nothing but grief from such services in the past) so it makes sense to us.  Additionally neither Isabelle nor I have actually purchased a cd in more than 15 months - we're truly converted to the convenience of the online world.  In Vancouver I've seen several music shops go under in the past few years, and CD's take up a smaller section of all the major chains each time I go into them, so why bother fighting a trend? 

The Disagreements ep is a departure from our first album, we made it entirely in our home studio this time and purposely restricted our production ideas to allow the songs to sound closer to how we perform them live.  The themes of these songs center around betrayal and disappointment (both in regards to personal events that have transpired and what we can see of the world as a whole)  but also resolve with hope for the future.  The song Decay could be considered autobiographical but has become a bit more universal over the past year.  Fat Kids Big Cars is a jab at the corporate transformation of North American culture, where citizens are reduced to mearly consumers and our value is measured by the girth of our wallets.  Back In Style might be considered more of a fable than a true story, at least that's what we like to tell people!  Where Are You is a little tone poem written after a night when I thought I'd honestly lost Isabelle (long story, but it did involve a mickey of Fireball).  There are two instrumentals this time, the first is Charmer, an introduction to the entire piece and the second is aptly titled Segue- Please, as it segues between Where Are You and the final song Please.  Please is our favorite song right now.  We roped in our friends Ingrid Schroeder and Barry Flynn to write parts for the second half of the song and I think their contributions raise the bar exceedingly high.  Our first true collaboration and quite a successful one too! 

We proud of these songs and excited to perform them on stage again soon.  I've started scripting videos for a few of them and a couple directors here in Vancouver have offerred their services in the creation of at least one more.  Perhaps a re-release will have to be scheduled with all the clips added to the package to give a fully rounded album.

Thanks for reading and please check out the songs on iTunes, Amazon, or Napster or whichever sourse you prefer.  Have a great week~

Mark & Isabelle

Disagreements Available TODAY!!

Current mood:cheerful


We're very pleased to announce that our new Disagreements ep is up on the iTunes music store as of today!  Please follow the link there, or if you prefer Amazon, Napster, whichever, it's also be available on those sites as well.

In related news, there is the first of a four part interview I did with a radio station from Florida available on their site as well.  If you're curious about some of the back story, our process, or a bit of our history, please have a listen on the HT Media page.  Thanks again to Don for such a comfortable and fun interview!

Disagreements has a flow to it rather like The World Over, so if you can, please have a listen from beginning to end.  I think it tells an interesting little story. 

Alright, we're both really happy right now,  hope you enjoy the new songs - Cheers!!!

Mark & Isabelle


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