New member Daniel Clement
For the past two years we have been playing music with my long time friend Daniel Clement on guitar. Dan and I have been friends since highschool, and shared our first band together back in the 80's in White Rock, B.C. After many decades of creating independently we have rejoined forces to enhance the sound of Combine the Victorious. Isabelle and I have been writing together since 2005. We've had several successful song licenses to television and film over the years but we have always remained primarily a studio project. With Dan's addition on guitar our sound is more complete and we feel better represented when we play live. His influence has helped up find faster songs for the repertoire and accelerated the writing and recording process; we already have our next single (Danser Tout le Temps) recorded and ready for mastering and three more tunes are waiting in the wings for us to finish off. It's very fun and exciting. This year we've played more live shows th