Song Writing: Stop Givin' up on Love-sample
This song was originally titled If Not Love and was almost a dirge on its first iteration. However after several years, a lot of development, many DJ gigs and the rest of the album taking a more progressive shape it has morphed into the cheery hook that you can hear above. Isabelle's voice sounds great on the harmony part and now I need to get the verse vocals down so I can pass it over to Don Harrison to add some inspiring guitars! Certainly it runs a counterpoint to the electronic muscle of Stand in Front of Tanks.
It's taking us a long long time to complete our new album but everything is sounding better than we've done before so I suspect the process has required the time and we've needed the perspective to really pick up our game. Autonomous will be a very sexy dance album when we're done, I promise!
Thanks for staying along for the ride. More to come soon!
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