The Best Tonight

I've just spent the past week working on a new song called The Best Tonight.  It was built on the back of another song we wrote last year called Overtime.  Recently we'd cut a version of Overtime with Jordy Birch producing, and even though he pushed us to get a great vocal performance, after the glow of studio excitement faded the song just seemed to lacking something.  The recording was great but the song itself seemed to lack that little spark it needed to make it important.

So, while I was attempting to "fix" the original song a new song started to appear from the work, a better song actually.  The Best Tonight is kind of a story song, our story.  It happened quite naturally, and was initially effortless to get down on tape.  However, like so many other tracks in our history, under the sober light of day I felt a bit uncomfortable with the very literal vibe to the lyrics and we set about trying to rewrite them.  It's taken all week but I think finally we have a way to say what we want to without being too cheesy or blatant.

I'm working in the studio this afternoon attempting to get a new vocal recorded and thought I'd share the progress report while I eat my lunch.

In other news we're quite excited by a new collaboration with Julian Growcott on guitar.  We'd played a show with Julian's new band The Vaporettos last month and we started talking about doing some recording together.  He's just sent over a rough mix of his new parts to our song Coming Down and I'm really excited about the new ideas he's adding to the song.  This one was one we'd written last year with Juice and Misty, and I think it'll be the opening for the next album.  It started very moody and them evolves into a big singalong jam at the end (a bit of a throwback to The World Over honestly).  I'm excited to get the mix done so we can share it with everyone.

Ok, gotta drink a bunch of water and get ready to sing.  Isabelle's at her store this afternoon and I want to have a finished version for her to put her harmony to before she gets home tonight!

Thanks for reading, hope you all stay healthy and inspired!



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