The Story continues...

Just spent the last three days on our song Brotherhood.  Last night I re-wrote the lyrics to make them a little more personal, a little less generic.  I think the new words really helped.  Singing came a lot easier.  It's funny how that could work.  Having the right thing to say helps you say it well.

It's coming along.  I think we have a mix tonight.  Will know in the morning I'm sure!

The lyrics now are:

I dropped out of school
when we first met
but we still tried
to take on the world

Just fighting for laughs
while we're looking for hits
until tension and rejection
wore me out

In a Brotherhood
I thought it was understood
that we always should
look out for each other
I guess it's times like these
when lost in your memories
you some how fail to see
how much you matter

And over the years
you would constantly fret
but still seemed fine as we'd
all get together

Then your little fears
turned into our dread
until you
a song

In a Brotherhood
I thought it was understood
that we always should
look out for each other
I guess it's times like these
when lost in your memories
you some how fail to see
how much you matter
What I don't understand
is how we could not lend a hand
before you quit this land
for another.

We we're just kids
when we first met
but we tried
to take on the world

Brotherhood by Combine the Victorious
Henning, Dunlop, Kadis, Reid


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