
Showing posts from April, 2020

Combine The Victorious (Pt 2) - Isabelle & Mark Perform a New Song Plus...

We performed 5 of our songs on the Isolation sessions of Onstage Live hosted by local celebrity Fiona Forbes yesterday. It was a real pleasure to play hope you enjoy! Stay safe and healthy, big hugs from Vancouver Mark and Isabelle

Embrace (piano version)

Well, Isabelle and I have been self isolating for the past month as most of the world seems to have been, and to keep ourselves feeling good we've maintained our rehearsals and writing sessions. In the course of having a month to ourselves I figured I should attempt to tune up the old Baldwin upright piano that I inherited from dearly missed friend Todd Simko many years ago. As I went about tuning the piano it occurred to me that we should revisit some of our early material again. This song, Embrace , was a favorite of ours from the debut Combine the Victorious album The World Over . The album version, which came out in 2007, is a much bigger production with a full band accompaniment and a rather epic crescendo at the peak of the song. We opted for a simpler and more direct approach with this video, something that could be pulled off with only a single piano and our vocals. Last night we set up a camera, a microphone and a light and tried our hand at this song again. It took us a...

Combine appear on Onstage with Fiona Forbes

Earlier this week Isabelle and I had an interview with Fiona Forbes (the former host of Shaw's cable show Urban Rush) on her new series " Onstage ." The irony here is of course we are all in isolation due to the Covid 19 virus so the onstage portion has changed significantly. Our appearance is about 8 minutes into the show where we chat with Fiona about what's been going on and how we are coping with the shutdown. After that we have a two song live performance from our basement where we play the songs The Bolsheviks and Glasgow. It was a lot of fun to do and seems to be the way forward for the next month or so for all of us!  Please have a look and let us know what you think. Mark and Isabelle